Nu kan du visa video i 360 grader på Facebook

Du vet den där semestervideon som inte riktigt gjorde stranden rättvisa. Glöm den känslan för nu kan du spela in stranden i 360 grader och visa till alla dina vänner på Facebook.

När Facebook köpte Oculus visste vi alla att något skulle ske, en ihopkoppling mellan virtuell verklighet och Facebook.

Till en början ska bland annat VICE, Discovery Channel och Saturday Night Live tillhandahålla material som du kan klicka dig runt i.

Här nedan är hela pressmeddelandet:

Today Facebook announced the roll out of 360-degree videos on News Feed. This means that people can start to see and engage with 360 videos in News Feed, and creators can start to upload them.

360 video allows you to immerse yourself in the content you’re watching by enabling you to look around, choose what angle you want to see it from, and experience it as if you were there. On the web you can do this by dragging around the video with your mouse, and on mobile devices you do it by dragging with your finger — or even just by turning your device. You’ll be able to hold up your phone and the 360 video will follow you as you turn, looking around, to experience things from all over the world like never before.

You can checkout exclusive videos today on Facebook from Star Wars, Discovery, GoPro, LeBron James & Uninterrupted, NBC’s Saturday Night Live, and VICE.

If you’re using Facebook on the web or on Android, you should be able to see 360 videos in News Feed soon, and Facebook plans to roll this out for iOS in the coming months.

Check out the post from Facebook’s Chief Product Officer Chris Cox here and below which you can include in your stories.

Today we’re launching 360 video on Facebook. Starting very soon, anyone will be able to upload 360 video, and if you’re on a desktop or Android (or an iPhone in the coming months), you can pan around the video while it’s playing in your News Feed. On the phone especially, slowly turning around and tilting your device up and down to watch a scene as it’s playing is a really cool experience that takes you somewhere else. It’s the kind of thing that you run over to show someone else the moment you first see it.

To showcase the technology, Disney is releasing a brand new, exclusive 360 experience for the upcoming Star Wars film today on Facebook, which will allow viewers to explore the planet Jakku while traveling on Rey’s speeder. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know what that means, but we are honored to have such a legendary launch partner.

A bunch of great partners have come up with really interesting takes on what can be done with 360 that are also launching today — shark diving with the Discovery Channel, on the set of the 40th anniversary of SNL, on-the-ground reporting in Afghanistan from VICE, motocross riding in the Idaho desert with with GoPro, LeBron James taking you inside his training routine. It’s an open-ended format, so we’re really excited to see what creators around the world come up with as they get their hands on it.