Nordic Capital har köpt panelföretaget Cint

Panelföretaget Cint har köpts upp av investmentbolaget Nordic Capital för en okänd summa pengar.

Cint som tidigare ägdes av en större investmentgrupp som inkluderade Prime Ventures, Creandum, Cipio Partners har nu köpts upp av Nordic Capital i ett svep.

Nordic Capitals rådgivare Fredrik Näslund säger att de är “impressed by the quality and efficiency of Cint’s technology, its strong value proposition to its customers and the quick adoption of the technology. The company is ideally placed to add value to both suppliers and buyers of research panels as a fully automated, truly global platform”.

Cint har ökat med 30 procent per år, senaste åren.

“Extensive experience of successfully developing and growing technology businesses, in cooperation with management and employees, suits us very well and gives us the opportunity to continue our positive development’ kommenterade Cints VD Morten Strand köpet.