Exkludera individuella panelister i Cint

Cint vill nu göra det lättare för undersökare att exkludera olika panelister. Du kan till och med exkludera på individ-nivå.

Det finns två sätt att exkludera panelister:

1. Exkludera baserat på historik

“Access allows you to exclude respondents with a certain status from other projects, active or closed.

In the “exclude projects” pane choose from all your projects in the past 6 months. If the project you want to exclude is older than 6 months, simply change the dates of the filtering or search by the project’s name. Then select at least one respondent status and the system will not invite or allow the excluded respondents in your new setup.

If you choose to exclude from projects that are currently active, please note that the feasibility will not reflect it.”

2. Exkludera baserat på ID

“Access also allows you to exclude specific respondents or panelists by simply importing the Respondent GUIDs or Panelist IDs.

This option can be used for similar reasons as Option 1, the difference lies in whether or not the panelists you want to exclude has any previous participation in a project or if you just want to exclude a few respondents with the same previous participation outcome.”